
Showing posts from May, 2012

Happy Mother's Day from Someone Who Gets It

Sometimes even a writer can't write it better. And so, I offer you this gem that I've lifted from The Makeshift Mom's Facebook page. Happy Mother's Day. If for only a moment, may you find a little corner of the world free from puke, poop, dishes, detergent and tumbling dustbunnies.

Easy, Heartwarmin' DIY Mother's Day Cards or "Don't Touch ANYTHING with those paint-dipped mitts!!"

Oh, Mother's Day. I can only imagine the masterful plan my husband is whipping up to ensure mine is steeped in sweet stress-squelching bliss. In the meantime, it's my job to ensure all of the mothers in our family experience the ultimate "Awwwww"-worthy experience for their own celebratory day of do-nothingness (finally!). And, since we're hundreds of miles away from our family and delivering hugs from the kids is an impossibility, I figured we'd deliver some hands. I started with some blank cards and envelopes that I picked up from Michael's a while back. Value pack came in counts of 50. First, I thought I'd trace the kids' hands on ornate scrapbook paper, cut them out and Mod Podge them to the front of the card. HmHah. That's funny. Have you ever tried to steady a 6-month-old's hand long enough to trace it with a pencil? Five seconds into the job he was trying to eat the pencil and crinkle the paper between his little snausage fin...